I’ve been going to Sugarloaf since 2001, making this my 18th year there. I started as a camper, graduated up to a counselor, and somehow weaseled my way into an amazing staff position with a crew of boundlessly talented individuals. Sugarloaf is better than Christmas. It’s a haven of love, art, and creativity that comes every summer to sweep me off my feet and remind me who I want to be. It’s essentially New Year’s Eve/Golden Birthday/Right of Passage all rolled into one amazing experience. We teach some truly fantastic kids about everything from theatre arts to photography to textiles and watch as they grow and shine over the course of our week together. It may sound a bit short, it may be dusty and dirty, and it may not even sound like much of an experience from the perspective of the outside world, but to all of us, it’s just like coming home.
If you’re inspired or curious about camp, feel free to visit our Sugarloaf Fine Arts Camp homepage to learn all about what we do. If you happen to have a couple of bucks free, you can be a part of camp directly by donating to the Sugarloaf Station Foundation (the non-profit that funds the camp) and/or joining us at the Sugarloaf Station Foundation’s 16th Annual Fundraiser in September so we can raise money for these awesome kids to continue to experience this magical creative week in the woods!

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