Although I focus a lot of my time and energy on weddings and engagements, there’s just something about kids and families that I can’t quite pull away from. I love hearing giggles as I direct mom and dad into a tickle fight, I love watching parents melt next to me as their kiddo gives me their “real” smile, and I especially love the arrival of a new baby in a growing family. There’s nothing sweeter than a ridiculously round and awesomely adorable baby bump! Well, except when there are other kids in the mix. Then, we’ve got a 10 out of 10 chance of family cuteness overload!
Tiffany and her husband are about to have their 4th little one, another boy, which their current middle boy has aptly named “Chris Kringle”. (Hmm… I wonder when they told him they were pregnant…) Everyone is abuzz with excitement and maybe just a liiiiiittle bit of nervous apprehension.

The strength of motherhood never ceases to amaze me. This woman is smart, fun, relaxed, and totally GORGEOUS all while taking care of three kids and expecting another. If that’s not #momgoals, I don’t know what is!

It was such a joy to get to capture these kids together as well as in their own unique portraits. They all have such different personalities and they blend so perfectly together. Shockingly enough, they all get along REALLY WELL!

While I sent the little ones off to look at the baby ducks, I made sure to take a moment to capture this sweet couple showing their love for one another. After all, I wouldn’t have had a family to photograph if not for these two love birds right here!

I’m so excited to meet ‘Baby Kringle’ and see how these three step up to being big brothers and sisters (again). Best of luck and so many hugs to this AMAZING growing family!

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